Review: Sirius Wolves Series by Victoria Sue

30 October of 2016 by

Reviewers Rating: 5
5.0Overall score

A fantastic M/M werewolf series!

Sirius Wolves by Victoria Sue

Sirius Wolves By Victoria Sue

Genre: GLBTQ, MM, Paranormal

Publisher: Dark Hollows Press, LLC


According to legend, when humankind is at its most desperate, the goddess Sirius will send three of the most powerful werewolf shifters ever created to save mankind. However, because they are so powerful, they will need a fourth to complete them, to calm them and help them reach their full potential.

The time of Anubis is at hand.

Working together against him, the goddess Sirius and the god Orion have helped mankind prepare by uniting Blaze, Conner, Darric, and Aden to fight the evil in the world. But in the war to come, the werewolves will need more allies, and this will extend beyond werewolf kind. Marcus, an ex-Marine who’d lost both his legs in a landmine accident, is now Human Liaison Officer for Blaze’s pack. Having lost his lover when the man couldn’t bear to live with “a cripple”, Marcus never expected that he’d fall in love again, let alone with the werewolf Kellan, who seemed to be universally hated by the pack.

Faced with eternal banishment to hell, Anubis, god of the underworld, has found a loophole in one of the oldest laws which will allow him to unleash his evil on an unsuspecting human world. Orion’s only hope to stop him is to accept his challenge: send a champion to win the love of the wolf with the hardest heart. It will take someone with a pure heart to soften a closed one, so faced with the threat of losing not only the werewolves, but the destruction of the human race, the gods can only do one thing — send Adam, one of their own.


Reviewed by ButtonsMom2003

A fantastic M/M werewolf series!

I became acquainted with Victoria Sue’s writing when I read an ARC of her historical M/M story, The Innocent Auction, and fell in love with it and the second book in the series, The Innocent Betrayal. I then became aware of her paranormal/MPREG series, Sirius Wolves. I’ve read several shifter stories and enjoyed them but they aren’t my go to books, but I loved the Innocent series so much I wanted to try reading more stories by this author.I asked a few people on Facebook if I needed to start the series from the beginning and most everyone gave me an emphatic Yes! Since there were already six books in the series by this time it was a bit daunting for me to start at the beginning as I already had a really long to-be-read (TBR) list. But, start at the beginning I did and I’m so glad I did. Most of the books are around 200 pages long so I knew it wouldn’t take me too long to read them once I got started.

Full Circle is the 7th book in the series and it was released on October 17, 2016. I haven’t written full individual reviews for all of the books, but I’m going to give a recap here before I begin my review of Full Circle. While all of the books are connected, books 1-3 are primarily about Blaze, Conner, Darric and Aden. Books 4-6 are about Marcus, Kellan, Nate and Ricoh. As each new book comes along, Victoria Sue does a very good job of telling you what you need to know from the preceding books. However, now that I’ve read them, I also strongly suggest reading them in order.

Books 1-3
Orion’s Circle introduces us to the world that Victoria Sue has created for us. The legend of Sirius is explained and we meet the members of the ruling council of werewolves for all of North America. Aden has been abused and imprisoned by his pack. When he finally escapes he is rescued by the triad of Blaze, Darric and Conner who make up the ruling council. This book establishes that Aden is the missing mate of Blaze, Darric and Conner and gives us the backstory for these four characters.

Broken Circle is the book Victoria Sue’s readers love to hate. I won’t give anything away but I will tell you that many readers were very angry with Victoria by the end of this book. I was lucky because all of the books in the series were available by the time I started reading them and I had faith that Victoria Sue would redeem herself in book 3.

Eternal Circle wraps up the main story line for Blaze, Darric, Conner and Aden and Victoria Sue redeems herself as I knew she would.

Books 4-6
The Promise begins the story line for Marcus – a human disabled veteran, Kellan, Nate and Ricoh. These characters were all introduced in the earlier books and now become the focus in this set of 3 books. Marcus is the Lupine Liaison Officer, a human tasked with working closely with the werewolves since human society has become aware of them. Victoria Sue loves to torture her characters before they get their HEA and in this series Nate is the one who is tortured the most.

In The Dilemma Marcus must find his way as pack leader. The evil god, Anubis, puts temptation in front of him and makes a lot of trouble for Marcus and his mates.

The Beginning wraps up the story line for Marcus, Kellan, Nate and Ricoh. Lots of interesting things happen and while the current story line concludes room is left for more adventures to come.

Now for my review of book 7, Full Circle.

I’m not really sure that I know where to start. All of the Sirius Wolves books are connected and it’s very difficult for me to write a review of this one without giving away things that happen in the earlier books. Having said that, if you aren’t able to read the entire series I think Full Circle would actually stand-alone better than any of the others. Just be warned that you will be missing a lot of the world building if you don’t read them first.

There is a fantastic introduction/prologue for Full Circle that gives us more of the legend and background for the story.

Adam is sent to earth to help save the humans and the werewolves from the evil Anubis. He must win the heart of the wolf with the hardest heart – Jed.

Jed lost everything years ago when his wife and child died. Since then he hasn’t let himself form a close relationship with anyone, female or male.

Adam is unlike any other character in this series. He’s supposed to be human, but we know he’s not. He applies for a security position to work side-by-side with a werewolf to help protect the pack. Werewolves are forbidden to carry guns as it would be too dangerous to have them left lying around after they shift. Humans are being hired to partner with the wolves so they can carry guns and provide protection when a wolf shifts.

Adam excels in all of the tests he is put through during his tryout for the security position but something about him just doesn’t feel right to Jed. The Supreme Alpha and his mates don’t sense anything negative about Adam, and much to Jed’s dismay, he is hired without further vetting.

Adam proves his worthiness time and again. He is loved by everyone, especially the children and Jed soon comes to have feelings for him but won’t admit it. Adam tries to get Jed to voice his feelings but he’s not successful.

There is a major twist in this book that I didn’t see coming but it totally explained a lot of things and I have to think that this clever author had the whole thing plotted out from the first book. Anubis causes a lot of pain for Adam and Jed but they do finally get their HEA.

Like the other books in this series, Full Circle had my emotions on a roller coaster ride. My favorite books are ones that touch my feelings and this one didn’t disappoint me one bit.

While I think Full Circle is intended to be the last book in this series I really hope that Victoria Sue gives us more – maybe a novella or short story that gives us a glimpse into the future of the wonderful characters from this series.



O Factor: Scorcher

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About Author

Victoria Sue

Victoria Sue has loved books for as long as she can remember. Books were always what pocket money went on and what usually Father Christmas brought. When she ran out of her kids’ adventure stories, she would go raid her Mom’s. By the age of eight she was devouring classics like Little Women, and fell in love with love stories.

She’s still in love with them. Any size, any shape, any creature —love is love, no matter what it says on the box.

In fact if they don’t fit very neatly into any box she loves them even more!

She has a very patient husband and three wonderful children. In 2010 in search of adventure they all moved from the UK to the US and are happily settled in Florida.

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