Star Ratings

We take great care to write a thorough review for each book we feature on Xtreme Delusions.  Therefore, we offer a star rating system merely so you’ll know which of our reviews you might like to read.

  • 5 Stars:  Why haven’t you read this book yet??  It’s been out for three days now and I’ve read it twice.
  • 4 Stars:  You absolutely have to read this one next.  Well…after you’ve read the 5 star book.
  • 3 Stars:  You should have it in your library.  It’s great for a rainy day.
  • 2 Stars:  We finished reading it but it was an effort.
  • 1 Star:  Oh well, to each his own.
  • DNF:  Enough said.  This is one rating we hope you will see very seldom.


O Factor

Many of the books we read have sexual content.  In order to assist you in determining the amount and type of content, we offer the following ratings.

  • G ~ No sexual content or children’s books
  • PG ~ Young Adult or content suitable for a mature children’s level with little to no sexual content
  • Sweet ~ Adult romantic content with sexual tension but if any, sexual content is alluded to.
  • Spicy ~ Has sexual content.  However, it may be limited and/or has little to no kink involved.
  • Scorcher ~ Sexual content is plentiful, explicit and/or has an element of kink involved.