Review: Xs and Os for Gabby Ann by Petrell Ozbay

27 November of 2015 by

Reviewer's Rating: 5
5.0Overall score

A heartfelt shipment of Xs and Os

Title by Author
Xs and Os for Gabby Ann By Petrell Ozbay, Illustrated by Mike Motz

Children’s Picture Book

Released May 5, 2015

Mascot Books

Reviewed by Alyssa & Jean

Gold Medal Winner – Florida Authors and Publishers Association President’s Book Awards.
Gabby Ann loves kisses and hugs. They are the BEST part about bedtime. There is nothing like an extra kiss and a hug – an X and an O – from her mommy before the lights go out. But, what about Gabby’s Daddy? He works on the other side of the world, at least a million miles away. So, how are his kisses and hugs going to reach her? When will they get there? What if they get lost along the way? Join the Xs and Os on a lively, global adventure as they find their way to Gabby Ann, helping children to realize the boundless and powerful spirit of a parent’s love. 10% of the net profit from the sale of every book will benefit the Operation Purple Camp® Programs of the National Military Family Association.


A heartfelt shipment of Xs and Os


This is a great story for kids missing their parents who aren’t around. Gabby’s dad works far away and overseas. Every night her dad sends her Xs and Os blown on the wind. The Xs and Os ride on animals across the world on their way to Gabby. Gabby is sad and impatient waiting for her Xs and Os to get to her. Her mom tells her to go to sleep and the Xs and Os will show up. I was a bit sad for Gabby for missing her dad. No one should have to be separated from their family like that but when you are it would be nice to know they are sending hugs and kisses and miss you as much as you miss them. I really think kids that are missing their parents or even their grandparents would really love this book. ~ Alyssa, Age 10.Xs and Os for Gabby Ann is a beautifully illustrated tale for the young child. Each night her mother puts her to bed, kissing her repeatedly just one more time with the promise of Xs and Os from dad when she falls asleep. Each night her dad sends her those Xs and Os. The Xs and Os have quite the adventure on their way to Gabby. With each stop along the way they repeat:

“We’re Xs and Os, sent for the night,
We’re kisses and hugs, to help Gabby sleep tight.”

The repetition is perfect for the young child. All in all, a wonderful story of how we hold each other in our thoughts and send our love when we are apart. So very appropriate especially for children with families so scattered these days whether from military deployments, separations, divorce, blended families or any other number of scenarios. This story is a must to reassure our young they are very much loved and held in our thoughts when we are away from them.



O Factor: G



Xs and Os for Gabby Ann

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