Southern Boys

05 Jun

Recent Release Review: Desire & Denial by K.C. Wells

GLBTQ Romance

Jon has yearned for a man’s touch for as long as he can remember.
Now two younger men are about to bring his fantasies to life.

03 Jul

Audio Review: Pride & Protection by K.C. Wells, Performed by John Solo

GLBTQ Romance

What happens when an out-and-proud bear moves to a small Tennessee town, and takes a shine to the closeted cop? Fireworks, that’s what.

24 Jun

Audio Review: Truth & Betrayal by K.C. Wells, Performed by John Solo


When Jake turns up at Caleb’s apartment to collect his brother’s possessions, what he discovers is the first shock in what is to be a series of revelations, turning Jake’s world upside down. New knowledge brings fresh pain and anguish. Jake isn’t the only one who’s hurting…