Michelle Dare

14 Sep

New Release Review: The Matchmakers by Multiple Authors


5 STARS!!!! Sometimes, finding the perfect match requires a little assistance. All proceeds go to charity.

08 Jun

Cover Reveal: The Matchmakers by Multiple Authors

GLBTQ Romance

PRE-ORDER NOW!! Sometimes, finding the perfect match requires a little assistance. All proceeds go to charity.

15 May

Cover Reveal: The Azure Kingdom by Michelle Dare

Cover Reveals

One key, one door, one man, one leap.
The day Alison walked through the door, her recurring dream became a reality. The man who always remained a mystery was standing before her. There were dragons flying overhead and a castle in the distance. She was now in the Azure Kingdom.

02 May

Release Blitz: Adoring Her by Michelle Dare

Promo Blitz

Radek Cole had been the stereotypical bachelor, just the way he liked it. Then he fell hard and fast for Kasi Markson, a fiercely independent woman, who always speaks her mind and never backs down. They’ve overcome major obstacles in their short time together, but that only made their relationship stronger. Too bad there are still hurdles to conquer.

07 Mar

Sale Blitz: The Heiress Series by Michelle Dare

Sale Blitz

Kasi Markson and Radek Cole… the heiress and the pilot… both trying to stay out of the limelight, perhaps not so successfully as their relationship draws interest they’d both rather avoid like the plague.