Release Day Review: Solstice by Eli Easton and RJ Scott

28 July of 2023 by

Solstice by RJ Scott

Solstice By Eli Easton and RJ Scott


Genre: Romantic Suspense, Mystery, GLBTQ, MM,

Tropes: Slow Burn

Released: July 28, 2023

Publisher: Love Lane Books

Series: The Lake Prophet Mysteries, Book 1

Length: 76,000 words / 274 pages

Cover Design: Anna Tif Sikorska


From the dramatic peaks of the Olympic mountain range to the small town of Prophet, murder is only a footstep away.

Gabriel is a former undercover cop haunted by the things he’s seen and done. He returns to his small hometown of Prophet, taking on the role of sheriff, hoping to mend his fractured relationship with his estranged brother and rebuild his life. But when a chilling murder occurs at Sentinel Rocks, a sacred Makah site on Lake Prophet, Gabriel’s dreams of peace and reconciliation are shattered.

Gabriel navigates a web of intrigue, with a long list of suspects; from local tribal elders to fervent Solstice worshippers and even those hunting the elusive Bigfoot. When the brutal murder leaves Duke, a loyal Labrador retriever, as the sole witness, Gabriel stumbles upon an unexpected ally—a local animal behaviorist named Tiber.

Tiber, a newcomer to Prophet, seeks refuge in this remote haven, attempting to escape his own inner demons. Armed with his extraordinary ability to communicate with animals, he offers his expertise through video consultations, helping pet owners with their beloved companions. While he attributes his skill to his academic background, his intuition and flashes of insight owe as much to his Navajo heritage as to science.

With the relentless rain washing away sins and good intentions alike, Gabriel and Tiber must begin to confront their own vulnerabilities and unravel the truth.


Reviewed by ButtonsMom2003

Fantastic start to a new series!

I’ve been a huge RJ Scott fan for several years and I’ve also loved the Eli Easton books I’ve read, so I was excited to read this duo’s first co-authored book. They should have written together ages ago! 😊

Solstice is romantic suspense at its finest – heavy emphasis on the suspense. If you’re looking for an MM book with lots of sexy time this may not be the story for you. However, if you enjoy stories with intricate plots and maybe more than a bit of sexual tension, I highly recommend this book!

Gabriel has recently moved back to his hometown to become the sheriff and also to mend the rift between him and his family. Tiber also recently moved to Prophet. Both men have situations and memories that they are trying to escape from. Gabriel goes to Tiber for help when a murder victim’s dog, Duke, is found near his body. The dog is terrified and Tiber’s expertise with animals is just what Gabriel needs.

Solstice kept me glued to my eReader; once I started it, I had to finish it before doing anything else. In addition to the murder mystery, the personal situations for each of the MCs hit me hard in the feels. Gabriel’s situation with his brother, and the reasons for it, just about broke my heart.

The murder mystery is solved – so no cliffhanger – but the personal relationship between Gabriel and Tiber is just getting started. Watching them “dance” around each other was one of the things I enjoyed most about this book. It proves to me, once again, that a book doesn’t have to be hot and heavy between the sheets to be a great story. I can’t wait to see how their romance develops over the course of the series.

Note: I do want to give a warning for off-page violence that is later recounted in detail (this is a murder mystery after all). There is also a tough-to-read, but necessary for the story, recounting of violence involving an animal.


O Factor: Spicy


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A corpse.

A chill ran down my spine. I’d seen bodies in LA with horrific injuries that haunted me to this day, but there was something so wrong about this man laid bare to the elements, the mist of rain swirling around him, his skin gray as drops of water collected and ran down his muscled stomach. This was a man who looked after himself, built, strong, maybe a hiker, or one of the open water swimmers who loved coming to the lake?

His upper torso was exposed to the elements but navy jogging bottoms, covered the lower, and he wore running shoes and socks. He was on his back between the two upright stones, his arms and legs spread, and his sightless eyes faced us with his head turned our way. There was extensive bruising on his face, darker on one side, running from his cheek up into his hair, but it was so bad that from ten feet away it was impossible to ID him for sure even if the guy was someone I knew.

“Fuck,” Devin muttered and took an instinctive step forward, but I held out a hand to stop him moving.

“What about a pulse?” my rookie asked hurriedly. “Shouldn’t we check for that? Procedure for finding an unconscious person?”

“Normally, but it’s clear there’s no pulse.” The victim was unmoving and there was an X scored into the man’s chest, digging deep into his breastbone, and tearing his flesh apart. I could see the purple stain of lividity at the underside of one arm. He was very dead.

I stumbled back a step in shock. The mark was deliberate, considered. Please don’t let this be a serial killer with a propensity to carving Xs into their victim’s chests.

“…Sheriff?” Devin asked. “What now?”

 Teaser Graphic

About Author

RJ Scott

RJ Scott, author of M/M romance. Writing love stories with a happy ever after – cowboys, heroes, family, hockey, single dads, bodyguards

USA Today bestselling author RJ Scott has written over one hundred romance books. Emotional stories of complicated characters, cowboys, single dads, hockey players, millionaires, princes, bodyguards, Navy SEALs, soldiers, doctors, paramedics, firefighters, cops, and the men who get mixed up in their lives, always with a happy ever after.

She lives in beautiful countryside outside London and spends every waking minute she isn’t with family either reading or writing. The last time she had a week’s break from writing, she didn’t like it one little bit, and she has yet to meet a box of chocolates she couldn’t defeat.

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About Author

Eli Easton

Having been, at various times and under different names, a minister’s daughter, a computer programmer, a game designer, the author of paranormal mysteries, a fan fiction writer, and organic farmer, Eli has been a m/m romance author since 2013. She has published over 30 gay romances.

Eli has loved romance since her teens and she particular admires writers who can combine literary merit, genuine humor, melting hotness, and eye-dabbing sweetness into one story.

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