
This book belongs to a recognized series written by an author or group of authors with a unifying theme.

10 Apr

Release Blitz, Review and Giveaway: Salt by Fearne Hill


5 STARS!! I love you, I mouthed against the fragile nape of his neck. I wanted a chance to love you even more.

29 Mar

New Release Review: Up All Night by Annabeth Albert

GLBTQ Romance

Up All Night By Annabeth Albert   Genre: Contemporary Romance, GLBTQ, MM Tropes: Sunshine/Grump, Older …

29 Mar

Blog Tour, Excerpt and Giveaway: The Linebacker by Rheland Richmond


OUT NOW!! Is it wrong for me to want the world to know I’m in love with Patrick Griffin and have been since we were eight-years-old?

26 Mar

Audio Tour, Review, Excerpt and Giveaway: Tooth and Nail by Patricia Logan. Performed by Kevin Earlywine and Declan Winters


5 STARS!! When the Men in Black meet the men with fangs…and claws…and wings…you get the idea.

25 Mar

Blog Tour, Review and Giveaway: Eternally Blessed by Garrett Leigh


5 STARS!!! Three is the magic number. I gave them my heart, and they gave me theirs. But the downside of living my best life is that I have everything to lose. And sometimes it’s not the obvious thing that can rip it all away.

24 Mar

Audio Tour, Review, Excerpt and Giveaway: Something Wicked by Lily Morton


5 STARS!!! A sadistic serial killer is stalking their beloved York, and Blue himself is in the killer’s crosshairs.

22 Mar

Blog Tour, Review and Giveaway: Broken Ice, Mended Hearts by Ryan Taylor and Joshua Harwood


5 STARS!! I’d built a dream on clouds, thinking I wasn’t in love with him, that pretending would be enough.

20 Mar

Blog Tour and Review: The Weight Within by Gwen Martin


4.5 Stars! As Tristan struggles reconciling his mental health, and Kurt attempts to reconcile the weight of his past, new desires have the men questioning if their rivalry to win will ruin their future together.

15 Mar

Release Day Review and Excerpt: Spring Rains by RJ Scott

GLBTQ Romance

5 STARS!!! When love is on the line, the only way to move forward is to challenge ghosts of the past and find a place to belong.

07 Mar

Audio Tour, Review, Excerpt and Giveaway: French Fancy by Lily Morton


5 STARS!!!! Pip Simmonds is the twinkiest twink in London. He’s loud, proud, and packed to the brim with sass. But when he’s laid low by illness, even his hotpants lose their sparkle and his worried boss sends him to the South of France to recuperate in his holiday home.

04 Mar

New Release Review: The Waiting Game by Brigham Vaughn

GLBTQ Romance

5 STARS!!! Fisher Cats’ Hale and Brewer Engaged: College Sweethearts or Fake Relationship?

03 Mar

Blog Tour, Excerpt and Giveaway: We Could Do This Tonight by Emerson Beckett


Available Now in KU!! Keeping my feelings for Benjamin a secret has created an impossible love triangle that might end up breaking all our hearts.

02 Mar

Release Blitz, Review, Excerpt and Giveaway: Highland Fling by C F White


5 STARS!! Dean stood. “Did you feel it too?” he asked, vulnerability seeping out from pale blue eyes as he blinked at him across the desk. Ewan stared back. Waited a beat. Then, “Aye.”

29 Feb

Release Day Review: Full Disclosure by Elle Keaton

GLBTQ Romance

5 STARS!!! He thought he didn’t care what had happened to his mother after she disappeared all those years ago. But, the past has a way of rising from the, er, dead when least expected.

28 Feb

Audiobook Tour and Review: Peacemaker by Morgan Brice, Performed by John Solo

GLBTQ Romance

5 STARS!!! Secret agents, forbidden love, danger, and magic! Before Colt and Winchester, there was Sharps & Springfield!